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Saturday 26 November 2016

Review: Becoming Calder by Mia Sheridan (Goodreads Author)

Becoming CalderBecoming Calder by Mia Sheridan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Becoming Calder is the 1st book in a 2-book series and tells the story two people whose courage, goodness and love triumphs over evil.
“I had dreams as well. In that moment, right there and then, I admitted to myself that I longed for more for my life and maybe those dreams were beautiful too. Brave. I had always pushed that desire away, ashamed of it, thinking it sinful, selfish.
But maybe, just maybe, my own dreams weren’t as sinful as I’d always thought them to be…somehow.”
Mia Sheridan has written an extraordinary tale of conquering your fears despite the many obstacles that face you and how truth and goodness always find the light in your life.
“But of course, life never worked that way. You had to live every minute of the hard part in order to get to the good.”
This book begins with the two protagonists, Calder and Eden first meeting as children when she's brought to the religious community that he has lived since he can remember, as their leader's future wife.
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Under the most pervasive and sinister circumstances, a bond of friendship and love blooms between these two engaging characters. Their love story takes place over several years as the two face the hardships and struggles that come with their finding happiness together. Their story touched me deeply....they have this innocence...and at the same time something so powerful, deep and consuming that is so poignant and so touching.
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The characters development is very well done. They're memorable, they drive the story and transport you into their lives.

I found Calder and interesting character. He questions what he has believed in most of his life - what if there something else, something more.......
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Eden just pulled me in from the first moment she's introduced.........
In this place, there is a girl with the face of an angel and a heart full of courage. To her family, she is the vision of obedient perfection. But she dares to want that which she has been told can never be hers.
There's something magical and beautiful about her that draws you in.
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Another character I liked, was Xander, Calder's best friend. They have an incredible bond and I am interested to finding out how their friendship develops in the next book.
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The author's depiction of the community's daily life is filled with a sense of can feel it ....the menace that permeates around the members who may question the cult leaders words is pretty scary and chilling.

This book ends in a huge cliff-hanger and Calder and Eden's story continues with Finding Eden, the next book.

A beautifully written and captivating story.

View all my reviews

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