My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Lynne Graham is an automatic buy for me…I have read dozens of her books which I have really liked….but her latest was just such a ….HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!!
I suppose one could say that this story is about Cinderella meeting her Prince Charming…a trope that I normally like…except that this Cinderella as something more like…

Grace Donovan aka Cinderella has always been the outsider with her family that took her in when her mother died. Overworked and overlooked, she’s managed to survive and due to her being brainy is about to complete her medical degree.
Forced to join her awful cousin on a Greek island holiday, she of course finds herself on a super yacht, with a super gorgeous billionaire who is having his last night of sex flings before he marries his best friend!!! Hello, yes, he has a very open relationship with his fiancée. Grace agrees to a one night stand so she can get “rid” of her virginity!!! She is after all 25 years old!!!! And why not with a rich tycoon!!!!
So, off she goes back home after a night of sex….not that sexy really because the condom breaks!!!! Yikes!!!
Now pregnant, kicked out of home by her wicked aunt, is found by the hero, Leo, who has been trying to contact her to find out if she’s pregnant. When he tracks her down, she tells him that she’s thinking about giving up the baby for adoption because it’s going to interfere with her studies!!! Leo, give this woman a huge miss…….she’s a stupid and idiotic person..yes, I know you like her red hair and green eyes….but she’s not a nice person. Believe me!!!!
By now, I am so not into this…I ‘m thinking I want to slap some sense into her!!!!

Leo, marry Marina, you’re ex fiancée and best friend….believe me she’s a better bet!!! In fact, Marina was the only secondary character I liked…..Leo was a bit better than Grace but I just wished he had a bit more sense.
I didn’t feel any emotional connection between Grace & Leo and found it hard to accept that everything would end happily ever after for him.!
Not one of my favorites by this author and certainly not a keeper!!!
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