My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Chicago’s new mayor is on the warpath…and what better way to use Ethan Sullivan as an example of how bad vampires are. In the previous book, Ethan had killed Harold Monmonth, one of the GP leaders and even though it was in self-defense, he’s still being held accountable for the deed.
Ethan and Merit take refuge at the Breckenridge shifter estate, where they are immediately thrown into the middle of a supernatural fight.
Together with Catcher and Mallory they embark on a journey to solve the mystery of supernaturals being abducted or have disappeared.
This is a fast-paced story filled with action and thrills.
What I enjoyed the most was seeing how far Merit and Ethan’s relationship is going to such a great place. They are now committed to each other and their connection is just so lovely.
I sat beside Ethan, comforted by the closeness of his body and the smell of his cologne, the familiar things that brought comfort in unusual times.
That, I thought, was one of the best parts of being in a relationship. No matter how foreign the world, the landmarks, the customs, I’d never be a stranger beside Ethan. Love bred the best kind of familiarity.
So enjoyed seeing the characters I have grown to know and love….Catcher & Mallory are such a “hoot”
“So we’ll sleep on the couch,” Catcher said, “like we’re twelve-year-olds at a slumber party.”Jeff, the geeky and cute shifter has now fallen in love!!!!!
“In fairness,” Ethan said, “we don’t all have to sleep on the couch.”
“In fairness,” Catcher said, “you can kiss my ass.”
“Ladies,” Mallory said. “Let’s put on our big-girl panties. Merit and Ethan are already sleeping in the bedroom, and there’s no point in making them move. Catcher and I can take the couch. The shifters will feel better if we make this work, and it’s no great loss to any of us.
And a mysterious shifter is introduced that I am dying to know more about.
And the never a dull moment life of Chicago’s supernaturals continues……I can’t get enough!! Do I like this world??
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