My rating: 1 of 5 stars
This was so horrible!!!!
I have read 3 books by this author and I loved them..in fact I rated them all 5 stars so I could I go wrong with anything written by Cara McKernna.
What a surprise...a not so nice one at that. Because I found nothing that I liked about Ready and Willing!
Unlikable characters, silly plot and no erotica fabulosity!!!!!!
Abby is in her thirties and feels her biological clock is ticking away...I can understand that feeling...so she decides to go the sperm donor route!!! Now, she's not interested in a relationship, she she wants to get impregnated and move on without the hassles of a husband or a man in her life. Oh, she's going to use a sperm bank??? Wrong!!! This girl has a different idea altogether.
She chooses two men, who she finds fit the "bill" for creating a super baby. She discusses her proposal with the guys and they are quite happy to play the stud....and the added bonus is that she will pay them each time they have sex...so if you don't come right first time, try again and again...and continue making money out of this stupid woman. Why 2 men instead of 1??? This girl is smart...in case one of them "shoots" blanks then the other's sperm will swim upstream and voila...baby on the way!!!!!
What, you don't think this is weird???? Okay...it gets better!! One night, both guys pitch and what do you know....a threesome happens!!! That's right!!! Now, I am a fan of menage, but their menage was....so not sexy...more like
I found nothing remotely sexy about the two men...in fact they were even more irritating than idiotic Abby. And please can someone explain to me how it's possible for two men (view spoiler) Acrobatics perhaps????
It was a good thing that it was a short read otherwise I would have given up halfway......though I did skim a lot of the pages near the end....
Now why would I continue reading if I was not liking it? Well, just in case there was going to be some redeeming part/s at the end....but believe me...there were none.
Don't be put off reading any other books by this author because of what I felt about this little story - she has some great books which should be read by anyone who likes good erotica.
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