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Saturday, 19 November 2016

Review: Beautiful (Beautiful Bastard, #5) by Christina Lauren (Goodreads Author)

Beautiful (Beautiful Bastard, #5)Beautiful by Christina Lauren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There may be some Minor spoilers ahead!!!

Wow....Beautiful is the 5th book in the funny, sexy, quirky, witty Beautiful Bastard Series by Christina Lauren.
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I am pretty sad that this series ends with the last couple Jensen Bergstrom, Esq. (Hanna’s brother from Beautiful Player) and Pippa Bay Cox (Ruby’s friend from Beautiful Secret).

So, what's the plot here????
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A road trip with friends............he needs to loosen up....she's getting away from a gone bad relationship..........
I leaned my head back, sighing happily. “This is so much better than going through my flat to figure out what the Wanker left when he moved out.”
Jensen startled beside me. “Sorry, what?” he asked, pulling out an earbud.
“Mark,” I clarified. “The Wanker. Didn’t I tell you?”
Looking amused as he let his eyes scan my face—deciding I was drunk, no doubt, but I didn’t bloody care—he said gently, “You hadn’t mentioned it, no.”
“Last week,” I told him, “I came home to find my boyfriend shagging an unnameable twat.”
Jensen, professional workaholic, stand-offish - Ruby, out-going, bohemian, eccentric, original.
“It can be,” I said. “It’s often short for Phillipa, but in my case, I’m just Pippa. Pippa Bay Cox. My mum Coco is American—Colleen Bay, where I get my middle name—and she always loved the name Pippa, just like that. When my mum Lele got pregnant from Coco’s brother, Coco made her promise if it was a girl, they would name her Pippa.”
He laughed. “Sorry. Your mother was impregnated by your other mother’s brother?”
Oh, dear. I always forget how to delicately lead into this story . . .
“No, no, not directly. They used an actual turkey baster,” I explained, laughing, too. What a mental picture I was painting. “People weren’t always as open to two women having a baby together back then as they are now.”
Two total opposites but somehow they just bring out the best in each other...especially Pippa getting Jensen's sexy and fun side out!!!

This has to be my favourite book in this series. From the beginning.....Chapter 1........I was totally hooked by these two lovable characters....Their first meeting at Heathrow Airport and on the plane was an absolute laugh a minute....
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“Oh, champagne!” I said, clapping. “That seems a fitting way to begin a holiday!”
I bent, digging into my purse. “How much?”
The man stopped me with a hand on my arm and a
bemused smile. “It’s free.”
When Pippa discovers the identity of her travelling companion.....and he's going on the road trip with the group!!! It was so hilarious. And believe me....there is a lot of humour and funny moments in this story.
The gang's wine road trip was amazing. I loved reading about the wine farms and the area and there are some lol moments ..........
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I loved the ending.............the short epilogues from of the couples I have come to love and enjoy........Bennett & Chloe, Max & Sara with baby, Will, the kitchen god and Hanna the trip planner, Niall and Ruby so in love and even George finds his true HEA!!! How cool was that!!!!!

What a great series!!! What a fabulous cast of characters!!!

It's so more of my favourite gang!!!
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If you haven't read this series.......let me say...I highly recommend you do!!! It's not a Pulitzer prize-winning series...but it's a damn feel good series!!!!

View all my reviews

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