My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Sorry...may contain a couple of spoilers....
Oh, the romantic desert prince………………….
……I think I’ve mentioned before that ……I have “gone off” sheikhs and princes, who live in some small unknown desert country, where most of the people are poor and only sheikhs are rich beyond anything we can imagine……and take on Western gorgeous women as lovers and marry the pure local princess!!!!![]()
So, you may be asking me….why are you reading Prince Hafiz's Only Vice, by Susanna Carr? Isn’t it about just the kind of sheikh you mentioned above???
Truthfully??? I have no idea why I picked this one up and actually read it until the END!!! And…….??
Well, it wasn’t amazing but to be totally honest, it wasn’t bad either.
Okay, I’m gonna try keeping my review as simple and short as possible……………
The poor Prince!! He’s had a lot of so not good things happening in his life….he’s suppose to be the heir to the kingdom he loves and wants to do good for it and its people….but he was a very bad boy in his younger days with a French lover and his father, the king disowned him and warned him to toe the line or else!! Did Hafiz learn anything from that experience? Of course not!!! He can’t help himself when it comes to sexy Western women!! And this time, he goes even further and OTT….he whisks the new paramour off from …was it St Louis? Well, some city in old USA and flies he to his little kingdom, where he keeps her hidden from the entire world, in the apartment he sets up for her!!!!![]()
What, you can’t believe that???? Nor could I!!!

Lacey gave up her budding career as a lounge singer and piano player after meeting Hafiz at the hotel she was playing at, leaves her old life behind and flies off into the sunset…oops…no, flies to Hafiz’s little kingdom, where he’s set her up in a luxurious apartment and visits her for sex…no, no walkies in town, no meeting his family or friends….she’s his sex benefit!!!
But after a year shut away from all and everything….well, she has been kind of busy behind Hafiz’s back…learning Arabic, which is going to be such a surprise to him….. making friends with …no not really the locals…it’s more with embassy people….the surprise is going to something she never expected!!! She reads the latest news in the local English newspaper that Hafiz is going to be married…..no, not to her, Lacey, but some suitable virginal local or some next door kingdom princess!!!
Lacey stared at the engagement announcement. Her mind refused to comprehend the words. "Marry?" she whispered. Her wild gaze flew to Hafiz's harsh face. "You're getting married?"
She waited in agony as he rose to his full height. He looked very tall and intimidating. Almost like a stranger.
Lacey didn't realize she was holding her breath until he answered. "Yes."
The single word sent her universe into a spiral. "I don't…I don't…." She stared at the headline again, but the pain was too raw, too intense.

Her hands shook as the rage and something close to fear swirled inside her. Fear of losing everything. Pure anger at the thought of Hafiz with another woman. The fury threatened to overpower her. She wanted to scream at the injustice and claw at something. Stake her claim. Hafiz belonged to her.OMG…..Hafiz…..you'd better have a good answer here……….
"You have been with another woman." She couldn't believe it. "All this time, you were with someone else."
Hafiz's eyes narrowed at the accusation. "No. You have been the only woman in my life since I met you in St. Louis a year ago."
She was the only woman, and yet he was going to marry another? "Then how are you…I don't understand."

He braced his feet a shoulders' width apart and clasped his hands behind his back, preparing for battle. "I met the bride today and she agreed."
Lacey's mouth gaped open. "You just met her?" She snatched the flicker of hope and held on tight. "So, it's an arranged marriage."
Hafiz let out a bark of humorless laughter. "Of course."
"Then, what's the problem?" She moved slowly as she stood. Her arms and legs felt limp and shaky. "Say that you won't get married."
He looked away. "I can't." Regret tinged his voice.
Poor Hafiz and poor Lacey. These two love each other so much but they can’t be together!!!

Can it get any worse for these two ill-fated lovers?? You bet it can!!!!
Hafiz’s parents know about his little secret…..keeping a mistress is not an option if he wants to be reinstated as his country’s next King….that’s what his father promises him!!!! Of course Hafiz is not going to choose his country over the woman he loves beyond love!!!! Wrong…..he chooses country!!!!! She has to understand the reason why? Really!!!!! Tears, more tears…

Right….let me stop right here!!!! Otherwise, you will know the entire story….so if this book sounds interesting…get your own copy and start reading another Arabian adventure!
Surprisingly and unexpectedly a fun and pleasurable read ……oh, just a mention that I do like this author’s writing style!!!
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