My rating: 3 of 5 stars
MISTRESS OF HIS REVENGE by Chantelle Shaw, is the first book in Bought By the Brazilian Mini-Series.
Cruz Delgado and Sabrina Bancroft first met when she visited her father, Earl Bancroft, at his mine in South America. He was one of her father’s workers in the mine, who had been born in the favelas and the boy from the wrong side of the tracks for the aristocratic Sabrina. During this time, the two had embarked on a very torrid relationship, which ended abruptly when she returned back to her home in England.
Ten years later, Cruz is no longer the slum boy and is now a very wealthy owner of a diamond and jewellery design empire. On being told by his partner that Sabrina’s father has in his possession a map of the mine he now owns, which could save it from shutting down, he decides to contact the Earl about purchasing it.
Sabrina’s life since she last saw Cruz has changed dramatically. Her father has gone missing for over a year, all his bank accounts have been frozen and she has resorted to using her ancestral home as a venue for hire to keep it in the family. She also needs funds to pay for her younger brother’s studies.
Cruz finally finds a way to get back at Sabrina. He believes that she had thought he was not good enough for her all those years ago and his ego is still pretty shattered. So he offers her a million pounds if she pretends to be his mistress for six months and help him with being accepted by the aristocracy, of which she is very much part of.
I felt for Sabrina. A father is totally not interested in his children; she is left alone and almost penniless with no family except her younger brother, who she’s determined to do everything for.
I did find her reason for leaving Cruz all those years a bit weird. Instead of talking to him about her feelings, she keeps everything bottled up and just runs away. But then, she was quite young and inexperienced at that time.
Cruz was a bit of a twit at times and I kept thinking that I was just not going to like this guy…but he kind of grew on me towards the end.
The one thing that made the story more believable was (view spoiler)
Their relationship developed really well, they had a great chemistry and it was great to see the two sorting through the issues in their past and working towards building a life together again.
An enjoyable read.["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>
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