My rating: 4 of 5 stars
3,5 stars
I have been a fan of Nora Roberts since the first Mills & Boon’s book I read in the 80’s. She’s become my favorite romance author of all time and I actually have one bookcase, filled with over 200 NR books, in my bedroom “dedicated” to her. I have reread a lot of her books over and over again. What makes her books so special and unforgettable for me? The portrayal of her characters – they’re genuine, relatable and real life. Her female characters are independent, smart, and brave with an inner strength and at the same time have a soft and caring side as well. Her heroes are 100% real men. Sexy, protective, alpha but not in an overbearing and beyond controlling way, making them totally believable. The dialogue sparkles like diamonds.
Many of her books are set in small and often remote towns, and vividly described that you can see the pictures in your head.
To be honest, I have been slightly disappointed with some of her latest books, The Collector, https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... and Blood Magick https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1... . So, I was really looking forward to her latest release, The Liar.
A short summary of the story plot. After the mysterious death of her husband, Shelby Foxworth discovers that she had been living a life filled with lies and deceit with a man who had been a liar and a cheat. Left with a huge amount of debt and alone with her little daughter, all her illusions shattered, she decides to return to her hometown and family and start a new life. But it’s not that easy to let go of your pass and she will need strength and courage to keep her daughter and family safe from the people who believe she knows more about her deceased husband’s affairs than she thinks.
Well, this book is certainly not one of my favorites. It was enjoyable but somehow just okay….no WOW factor for me! It could have been a WOW one, but there were a few things that missed the mark for me.
So, let me begin with the things I most enjoyed in this very sweet and cute love story with a bit of suspense thrown in that leaves you with a warm feeling as you turn the last page.

Nora Roberts is the best at creating a small town setting and she does it incredibly well in this story that brings Rendezvous Ridge and its location, Smoky Mountains, Tennessee’s, to life.
You immediately have a picture in your head of a slow-paced, friendly town, where everyone knows everyone’s business and secrets, the everyday life of the community and their interaction with each other.

The writing is smooth and makes for easy reading.
What I liked about her was, that despite finding herself in a situation that would break most people, she pulls herself together and deals with it as best she can. She has an inner strength that surfaces again, after years of having her confidence and self-worth destroyed by her now dead husband. She has resilience and determination to turn her life around and make things work for her and her daughter.
She’s cautious and doesn’t do things rashly and without thought. She has her heart in the right place. The real Shelby is back. Loving, caring, talented and getting her confidence back. And even if she does “waffle” a bit sometimes and goes on and on about things….well, that’s her character!!
What’s not to love about this man!!!! He’s sexy, lovable, caring, and thoughtful and has a great swagger!!! And he’s totally determined that Shelby is the one for him. He never deviates from that thought……and no, he doesn’t go all uber alpha on her….he slowly breaks down her resistance in the most endearing and cute way. And, wait….he’s the perfect gentleman to boot….oh, and he has a home that I so would love to live in….together with him, naturally!!! And did I mention that he’s amazing with kids? His interaction with Callie, Shelby’s daughter is joyful and sweet and fabulous.
Sweet and romantic. Not over steamy exactly. Although there are one or two scenes that were pretty hot…specially the one where Griffin seduces Shelby on the porch of his house!!! Sexy!!!
The development of their relationship was done really well…slowly growing from friendship to love made it more real and believable instead of it being an insta-love one.
“He’d said he was in love with her. And that just filled her up and emptied her out again. It made her want to shake, it made her want to weep. It made her want to hold onto him as if her life depended on it.”
I loved the characters in the story. Shelby’s family and how close they are with each other. Their love and support for one another. The local folks….the women who work with Shelby’s grandmother, Shelby’s best friend and her boyfriend, Matt…… endearing, relateable, lovable, funny and quirky………can I just say that my vote is……….
Callie………the most adorable, cute and delightful child. Yes, my heart melted for her…..open and enchanting…
And the two women I adored……Shelby’s mother and grandmother, Viola. Please, I want to be adopted by these two!!! The love between the three women is incredible and their interaction is the funniest and fabulous. The talk and situations that happen in Viola’s Day Spa had me smiling a lot. And when Shelby’s mother gives her a condom just before leaving home to spend the night with Griff was hilarious. This is so true!!!!!
Why 3,5 stars and not 4 stars?
Hell, this was a long book!!! TMI!!! Too many pages of long descriptions of places, every little detail about the homes, the streets, the people………and I was a tad annoyed a few times when Shelby kept repeating to each person she sees about what she feels, and wants to do…blah blah blah!!!
Some parts were slow and dragged a bit.
The ending was very predictable! I kept waiting for the pop-up revelation, that I had a good idea of what it would be.
The bad guys were a bit OTT!!! They and their actions didn’t feel real to me.
The ending seemed rushed – it was over so fast…..everything resolved and rub your hands together….because….yes, of course there’s a happy ending!!! This is Nora Roberts….This is romance!

Okay, that’s me and my thoughts and feelings about The Liar. Now, I’m off to sleep and to dream about Rendezvous Ridge and my new friends….

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