My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was a total “what is going on here” for me. I felt my head whirling around from one place to another….you know how spectators look when they watching a tense tennis match!!!
That was me, and my friends....

Plus I was confused most of the time…….let me try and give a “short” explanation: -
Okay, so Sara, the heroine, having received an urgent message to go home, like now…arrives and finds her fiancée in bed with her cousin!!!
Bummer!!! And the wedding is 6 weeks away!!![]()
So, heartbroken, she goes back to work, has a couple of “swigs” of brandy which she just happens to find in her desk drawer. Then we have Alex, the gorgeous and natch,,,,, beautiful Italian boss asking her to take some notes for him…hasn’t he discovered laptops and windows????...anyway, Sara has worked for Alex for over a year…she’s like a bit of a drab looking gal….yes, yes…true beauty hides underneath all those horrible clothes….she of course does not believe she’s beautiful…but Alex…wow does he ever!!!!
We discover later on that he’s had his “eye” on her for a long time…REALLY!!!!!!!!! Oh yes…my first “peeve”…what is that that authors always write about a heroine that is like…petite..Sara is 5ft1 ---and Alex is over 6ft…….I don’t find this combination that sexy!!!!!

Where does her head reach on his body????? She’ll spend a lot of time looking at his chest….

Allright…moving right along…….so Alex takes her to his home….he’s a very caring and understanding man…RIGHT!!! She’s a bit tipsy...remember the brandy???. And I knew all along…that these two would have some explosive encounter. So, the deed is done…Alex discovers that Sara is a virgin...at 23!!!!/// okay, she explains she wanted the first time to be special with her future husband…who is now the never to be husband….because??????
Alex asks Sara to marry him. Yes, within 24hrs!!! He’s totally crazy about her. Uh!!! She of course is “horrified” at the offer…what kind of woman does he think she is!!! But, wait…he takes her with him to check out some stately English home he’s just purchased…and of course……..she falls in love…not with him…with the house…so why not say yes….she will then be able to use her talents to “vamp” it up and life the high life!!!
Now, before you think that this is some “horrible and gold-digger” heroine…stop. She’s not really. She’s just confused, heart-broken by “no wedding”…so why not have her perfect wedding with a much more interesting…see rich and gorgeous….man!!!
By now, I’m thinking…wow, this man really loves her. What the hell is she being so cold and whiny??? I’m beginning to like this hero...never mind that he was the one who arranged for the fone call so that she would find her now ex-fiancee in the cheating act….can I add that her cousin….who took boring salesman ex-fiancee away from Sara is such a cow…a jealous and horrible one too!!!
And then….talk about a 180degree turn!!!!!! Alex blows “cold” and soon he’s telling Sara that he wants a divorce!!! Is this for real???? No, he comes back and still loves her………you will agree with me when you see what moves he pulls to show her!!!!!!!
Wow…double Wow………..now it’s Sara’s 180degree turn!!!!! She grows a backbone, seriously. She’s no longer going to tolerate Alex’s mood swings. He better wake up or she will walk!!!
You understand now? Why my head is spinning…………and I haven’t even mentioned Alex’s sleazy brother, his “older” ex-lover, his friend’s bitchy wife, her awful and dysfunctional adopted family….am I suppose to understand all this because a) Sarah is illegitimate (her mother got pregnant by a Greek waiter and has since died) and b) Alex’s family is just as mad…his father has been married five times, has children by different wives, etc etc etc…..
Oh...and all those "cara" and
and some more
These were two “basket” case characters….I mean Sara and Alex….but in some way, I kind of liked them!!!!!! Hard to believe but true!!! Yes Sara, at last, sees the "light".....
And really, any book by Lynne Graham….you may be rolling your eyes…but you are never bored!!!!
and yes, my head....spin and spin and spin.... until the very last page!!!
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