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Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Review: Surviving Ice (Burying Water, #4) by K.A. Tucker (Goodreads Author)

Surviving Ice (Burying Water, #4)Surviving Ice by K.A. Tucker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I discovered K.A. Tucker when I read her Ten Tiny Breaths Series and became an instant fan. I couldn’t wait to her next Burying Water Series, which I have totally loved.

Surviving Ice is the 4th book in the Burying Water series and we now have Ivy Lee’s story. I have been captivated by this character since she was first introduced in the previous books. Tattoo artist, street graffiti artist, edgy, a loner, and a free spirit nomad.

She’s back in San Francisco, working in her uncle’s tattoo shop. He’s someone that understands her and close to and when he witnesses his brutal murder, her life is suddenly thrown into a maelstrom of emotions. Trying to come to terms with her loss, all she thinks about is to leave everything behind and moving on somewhere else….
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Sebastian, former Navy Seal turned “hired gun” for his former military friend and mentor, has been tasked with a mission to retrieve a missing tape containing information that can incriminate a lot of very powerful people. Ivy is the only person who may know its location, so he travels from Santorini to San Francisco to complete the mission.

This mission will change Sebastian’s life in a way he never expected.
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Using the pretence that he wants a tattoo done by Ivy, after doing some surveillance on her, he slowly begins to see more than what she shows the world.
She is strong, I’ll give her that. Her uncle was murdered a week ago and she’s not sitting in there, crying about it. She’s set her grief aside to do what needs to be done, and that’s a quality not everyone possesses. She’s doing it on her own, too, I presume, because I don’t see anyone around to help her.

But she’s definitely not unaffected by what’s happened. I could see it in the dark bags under her eyes, as if she hasn’t slept in days. I saw it in the way she reacted to me entering the shop, her tiny fist curled around the wrench, ready to defend herself if she needed to. .
This is a such a true “opposites attract” story.

Ivy, the tattooed, independent and sassy artist ……..
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She finds Sebastian fascinating and for the first time in her life there’s a man she feels a deep connection with. A man with secrets and dangerous skills and who seems to want to look after her and keeping her safe…..
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The romance between Sebastian and Ivy developed really well. We see it growing from friendship to something deeper, which was a pleasure to see. What starts as a physical attraction it grows into something more.
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I loved how Ivy and Sebastian found each other and what the love they had for one another made their lives so much happier and meaningful…
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Perfect balance between suspense and romance. A well paced plot with engaging characters set in the great city of San Francisco and some fantastic and witty dialogue.

If you are a lover of romance, suspense, mystery, action and great characters, then please read this series. I can so recommend it.

One of my favorite quotes:
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If you would like to read my reviews on this series…

View all my reviews

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