My rating: 1 of 5 stars
I don’t even have to think twice…what was one of the worst books I read this year…..Come Away with Me, the 1st book in Kristen Proby’s With me in Seattle Series.
After seeing all those 4 and 5 star ratings….I asked myself….is this the same book I read????? I gave up halfway….and that’s saying something about me….because I do not like DNF reading a book!!! But seriously, I could not turn another page and read about how beautiful Natalie Conner is and how beautiful….

Oops, sorry, the hero in this story is not Edward Cullen…I just got a bit confused with the hero, whose name is Luke Williams, who happens to be an ex super movie star who acted in 3 blockbuster movies about vampires…..apologies for the mistake!
Okay, let me start again!
Natalie is taking fotos on the beach early one morning when she’s suddenly confronted by the most BEAUTIFUL man who wants to rip her camera from her and demands why she’s taking fotos of him. Of course, she’s taken no photos of the guy…even though he’s beyond beautiful.

So, everything is sorted out eventually and Luke Williams, hiding his famous identity from Natalie, is suddenly struck with lust for the sexy Natalie…..

Natalie is just as struck with lust for Luke…..he’s beautiful, he’s gorgeous, he’s beautiful
“Clearly, Mr Beautiful Blue Eyes and Sexy Greek God Face is a loony tune.”Hell, Luke Williams is doing something to me…..never mind to poor old Natalie, with all her body issues!!!!! She can’t believe this Greek god thinks she’s beautiful. A guy like him……
““I’ve fallen in love with a beautiful, sexy, sweet, jealous control freak.My head is spinning….Luke Williams is causing me some problems…..

Right, insta-love occurs. These two people are beyond besotted with their beautiful partners…..
Sorry, am I repeating myself???? Just want to make it very clear that these are extraordinary BEAUTIFUL people, who are so in love…..a real LOVE STORY here!!

By now it should be clear how the word BEAUTIFUL applies to EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE in this story….the hero/heroine are beautiful, the heroine’s bff is beautiful, the hero’s mother, father, sister are beautiful….in fact, these people are totally superficial and so not deep…but never mind…because……

All the drama, all the jealousy…………hell, never mind having my fingers in my mouth half way through this story…it was more of something like this….

This is the 1st book I read by this author…….am I going to read any other by her??? Not sure!!! But what I am sure is that I don’t think I will continue with this series.
Of course, there are so many other readers who loved this book……and I totally understand that it works for some…for me….it did not!!!!
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