My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I am a lover of ménage stories and after reading some reviews by my GR friends on Night is Darkest, the 1st book in Jayne Rylon’s Men in Blue Series, I was eager to read it.
I have to be honest – after a few chapters I began skimming quite a lot of pages.
The storyline is about two men, who are in a relationship together (which was one of the things I liked), who are attracted to a woman and want to share her. They need to protect her from a stalker……okay, the stalker plot….not much happens there.
Most of the pages are filled with sex scenes and more sex scenes…now, don’t get me wrong…I like well-written sex scenes that are more than just sex….I need to feel emotion, connection…..I couldn’t feel that…the relationship of the three just never felt believable…I couldn’t understand why the two men needed a woman in their relationship. I just could not connect with the three MC’s….
Things that made me cringe…..when Lacey, the women in the relationship is called “little one” and “doll”….who calls anyone that these days??????….and then all the “Shit…Hell…Fuck yeah in the sex scenes….totally turned me off big time!!!
The stalker issue just never got off the ground…..the characters were more interested in sex, and more sex and more sex….and then, at last…..Lacey is safe because the stalker has been sorted out!!!!
Allright, I am not giving up on this author….I am going to persevere and read book #2. Who knows I might just get into the series!!!!!
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