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Monday, 17 August 2015

Review: Dictatorship of the Dress (Much "I Do" About Nothing) by Jessica Topper

Dictatorship of the Dress (Much Dictatorship of the Dress by Jessica Topper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4,5 stars
I have just discovered Jessica Topper and after reading two of her books……she’s beyond…
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Having loved Louder than Love, her debut novel…. , I couldn’t wait to start on another one of hers!! And just keeping my fingers crossed that I would not be disappointed!!!! Well, let me just say….not even a smidgen!!!

Dictatorship of the Dress is the 1st book in her Much “I Do” About Nothing Series…a fresh and unique take on two of the most unlikely people who meet by chance….it’s a heart-warming, romantic, charming story of love, loss, discovery, growth, fate and dealing with your past and all the insecurities.

One of the things that blew me away was how the author used a wedding dress as the revolving plot of the story!!!
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Total genius!!!

Helena "Laney" Hudson is such a fun, quirky and a bit off the wall heroine….I mean, this girl is a comic book artist…yes, Marvel comic moments!!!! She’s on a trip to Hawaii to take her mother’s wedding dress to her….before she even boards the plane, she’s lost her boots ….just a reminder that it’s winter in NYC…so what does she do??? Grabs her slip-slops and dons them on there and then!!!! Hell, she’s on a mission…nothing will stop her for delivering the darned wedding dress…come what may!!!

Okay, so she’s bootless but the good news ….she’s gets bumped up to first class because the check-in agent thinks she’s carrying her own wedding dress for her own wedding!! Absolute luck…but wait..more in store for Laney!!

Seated in the last first class seat next to the gorgeous guy she had noticed earlier in the departure lounge….the hot tech nerd turns out to be Noah Ridgewood, who’s on his way to Las Vegas for his bachelor party!!!

What ensues is 48 hours of the most unexpected happenings for these two endearing characters.
Undeniable chemistry……
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tender and funny moments…..

I loved how the relationship between Laney and Noah evolved….how they learnt things about each other…things they had never talked to anyone else before…
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How Noah showed Laney what she was using the wedding dress as…
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And how Noah finally understood something in himself that he had forgotten…
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I had a few laughs when I read the scenes with his fiancĂ©e….empty headed is too kind a word for the his future bride!!!!!
The banter and interaction between Laney & Noah….totally awesome….funny, kind, warm….
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The one scene that really stayed with me takes place in Chicago, when Noah takes Laney on a sight-seeing tour of the city he lived in before he moved to the big city of NYC…..
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He dropped his forehead gently against mine and closed his eyes.
A speck of a snowflake dotted his perfect lashes where they fanned out above his cheekbone, and dissolved in an instant.

Loved the author’s voice….this well-written and developed story flowed so so well…..I couldn’t get enough Laney and Noah and even the secondary characters..of which there are a few I would love to read more about. I was also impressed how real the story and characters felt to me….somehow they were written in such a way that I totally relate to.

I kept thinking…what’s going to happen to these two endearing characters? Will they get together and have their HEA????? Well, what a great ending….
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…just knowing that I will be seeing Laney and Noah again….MADE MY DAY!!!!!!

I am really looking forward to the next book….Courtship of the Cake…. (I love
the author’s book titles!!!!)

My favorite quote:
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“Love is wanting the best for someone, even if it makes you feel fucking awful.”

Oh, on a last note…what a way to start my
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View all my reviews

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