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Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Review: Best Laid Plans (Lucy Kincaid #9) by Allison Brennan

Best Laid PlansBest Laid Plans by Allison Brennan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars
I can’t believe that this is the 9th book in the Lucy Kincaid Series!! It has become one of my favorite!!!

Best Laid Plans was a bit ….so so…it’s not that I didn’t enjoy the book but there were a couple of things that dragged a bit of me….the plot of Lucy, who has been given a new partner, after her Mexico “disaster” in the previous book, is working on the murder of a well-know local politician’s husband.
Not only having to deal with all that is going on in her life, she is thrown into the middle of politics and an undercover drug investigation, which has links to what happened in Mexico. That subplot was that threw me a bit….having to go from one investigation to another and back…..when all I wanted to know more about was the actual murder case!!!!! It was a case of confusion a lot of the time that I turned the pages.

Dirty politicians, corrupt cops, conspiracies, lies, manipulators ….good guys, bad guys……to and fro!!!! Total rollercoaster!! Twists and turns…..unexpected surprises!!!!

However, the best part of this series is Lucy and Sean Rogan. I have loved seeing the development of their relationship, how they deal with all that s@##$$$$ that is thrown at you and how incredible it is to see the way Sean helps Lucy …..What he does for her….how much she matters to him. I’ve said it before and I will say it again…he’s one of my favorite alpha-males with the biggest heart ever!!!!

So, continuing turning page after page….hoping that there is still going to be more going on….and WHAM!!!
Thrown the most unlikely and unexpected CLIFFHANGER!!!! I was like…..WHAT!!!!!

I am really looking forward to the next book which is due sometime later this year…I need to know – WHAT THE HELL IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT!!!!

And please……can we get Kane’s story sometime soon!!!!!

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