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Thursday, 9 April 2015

Review: Taste of Torment (Deep In Your Veins, #3) by Suzanne Wright

Taste of Torment (Deep In Your Veins, #3)Taste of Torment by Suzanne Wright
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in Suzanne Wright’s Deep in Your Veins Series……..which is beyond..
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The author has created the most amazing and intriguing vampire world
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with complex storylines and filled with quirky and endearing characters, non-stop action, hot and scorching romance and loads of fun moments.
These vampires……………..they just….
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How did I miss out on this series for so long???? If not for one of my GR friends, I would have never heard about this author and her fabulous books!!!!

So, here we are…the last book in the series….so sad…because I just loved getting to know all these super duper vampires but most of all, my favorite characters in this series…yes…you guess right!!!!!
Sam, the fabulous kick-ass , smart-mouth and totally fabulous English vampire
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…Oh did I forget to mention that she’s the vampire in charge…she takes no shit from anyone….and I mean anyone….she is after all, the leader of the best vampire Hollow squad…and everyone knows that she’s the…
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And she’s totally crazy and totally in love with Jared….. photo tumblr_mmr0f1vZHv1rlsyrro1_500_zps9xtggxcx.gif
Yes, Jared…what a gorgeous and sexy and more and more and more
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Okay, this a guy that every woman and man wants to bonk….I kid you not!!! He’s hot, he’s gorgeous ….and he knows it too!!!!  photo tumblr_ngbywgLTrP1tj3s7uo4_500_zpskncx1ob3.gif
But wait….there’s no chance for anyone there with Jared. Sam is the only vampire for him…really…she’s all he can think and breath about > She’s the woman he has been waiting for in his life. The woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with…
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I just love these two together. Their sexual and emotional chemistry is absolutely amazing. And sexy and totally hot!!!! They … photo 88c5f152-8f6b-46e3-971c-ccced680458f_zpsn25u7tzd.png
Okay, enough of my gushing about these two most adorable characters….let’s get going onto what is going on in Book #3……wow….talk about unexpected surprises….
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Five months after Sam & Jared’s Binding and if you think things are going to be smooth for the….think again…..shit is going to fly in the vampire Hollow Compound!!!!

Antonio the Grand High Master has decided to stand down which means Jared as his heir will, together with Sam, become the Grand High Couple.
“I don’t like that you’re stepping down,” he told Antonio. “I think you’re easily capable of ruling for a hell of a long time, and I can’t imagine you not being Grand High Master. But…I committed to being your Heir, knowing this would eventually happen. If this is really what you want, I’ll support you.” He took my hand. “We’ll support you.”

Not having to deal with this…., Sam and Jared are faced with being investigated by the vampire Prelate for her suitability as squad co-leader.
Amidst all this, the Hollow is attacked by vampires bent on ousting Antonio and preventing Sam and Jared from becoming the leaders of all vampires. And furthermore, having to find a cure for the squad leaders and Sam being bitten and infected with a deadly vampire disease. The Call, for which there seems to be no cure for.

If you thought Sam was a smart-ass….think again. No one and I mean no one screws around with her or with Jared and no one should underestimate her powers…………. As Jared says…
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And let me just say….Sam takes no bullshit from the baddies…..leaves no prisoners….destroy the enemy and go forward… photo tumblr_mm7qc1zmS21rhn31io1_500_zpsc1tiybo0.gif

Surprises, kick-ass action, romance, humour, new revelations, new characters, old and loved ones too, loads of drama…..….what a ride!!!!!

I am quite sad to come to the end of Sam & Jared’s story…….but it seems as if we will be going back to The Hollow and meet up with them again!!!!
Yes, Ava, who we meet briefly in this story seems to be taking up with squad member, Salem!!!!

Well, a good thing to look forward to!!!

And in the meantime, I am going to delve into this author’s other books and series!!!!!

View all my reviews

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