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Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Review: Possession (Fallen Angels, #5) by J.R. Ward

Possession (Fallen Angels, #5)Possession by J.R. Ward
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

2.5 stars

I am a BIG fan of JR WARD and love her BDB Series and when I found her Fallen Angels Series, I couldn’t be happier. A fight between good and evil….with a bit of the BDB world thrown in!!! Can’t go wrong!!!!
I loved the 1st book, Covet and even liked book 2, Crave and book 3, Envy a lot. But when I arrived at book 4, Rapture…I was like…no, I don’t feel for this story!!! Not at all!!! .

Did that stop me from reading book 5??? No…..this is JR WARD…..Possession could not possibly be worse than Rapture!! Well, it’s not worse but it’s certainly not a WOW that I was so looking forward to!! Even a scene or two with Xhex and JM from BDB could make me happy…it actually made no impact to the story……it just felt “thrown” in to fill some pages!!!

Jim Heron, the good angel – who I started off liking in the beginning, really irritated me….his obsession with Sissy (the good person being held captive by the evil side) is beyond irrational. He makes a deal with evil Devina to save Sissy from hell, without thinking of the consequences. He floats all over the place without any purpose or aim, except SISSY, SISSY…when he should be finding the soul he has to save. He’s a total selfish idiot. I have some doubts where his relationship with Sissy will go.

I am not sure how I feel about Sissy yet……maybe I will warm up to her in the next book.

Adrian and all those angels and archangels….a tad boring!!! Same oh…same oh!!!

The soul or souls that need saving….Cait, the heroine, who was a bit weird at times…has to choose between the one good and the one evil brothers……….the whole thing between Cait, Duke and his evilish brother kept going …nowhere….I felt no romance between the tormented Duke and Cait….just a lot of sex!!

The parts I liked a lot….all the scenes with Evil Devina!!!
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I just adore this character. Her insecurities and OCD behavior photo images_zpsa01227fd.jpg….her love for fashion and Laboutin shoes photo f98437a67e77729606918ae90a741459_zpsa04f65b2.jpg.................
and Chanel lipsticks photo 92fa6ac5ad497a9315b617732e8ce1e1_zpsd76e8d71.jpg…her hoarding….and her scenes with her therapist are to die for.

This is not a read again book and I am hoping next one will be more interesting.

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