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Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Review: The Uncompromising Italian by Cathy Williams

The Uncompromising ItalianThe Uncompromising Italian by Cathy Williams
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

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A tomboy webdesigner who does not like fashion and a alpha Italian, who is nothing like the hot and sexy men from that country. Neither one has any personality and there is zero chemistry between the two….oh yes, he likes that she is the FIRST woman who he can talk with about important issues…family, business……..
The plot was not interesting and I never really became interested in what it was……all I read was all the internal “conflict” of the two which was so…yes…boring.
And I was beyond irritated with Lesley (I hate that name)….when she tried out Alessio’s daughter’s dress on the sly and was caught by him….abso ridiculous!!!!
I had to really push myself to finish this book!! Skimming page after page and doing this a lot of times  photo images2_zps8b4339e4.jpg

So you ask, why did I actually finished the last page? Well, I really hate not finishing a book, so I preserved…maybe I thought it might just get better….but NO…..IT DID NOT.

Not the best by this author. I have read much better ones written by her.

View all my reviews

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