My rating: 3 of 5 stars
More Carpathians…Yay….Amazing that I still get excited about this series (which is one of my top 3 favorite pnr series)….26 books and still love to get more of the amazing world that the author has created.
Lev, the Lycan warrior and Branislava, a dragonseeker – this is it…their own love story!!!!
So what do I think after reading this book in one go………well, okay, I did take a break or two but finished it one day…………
I liked
Lev – his loyalty and honor and the fact that, despite knowing that
Branislava was his lifemate, did not force it on her and rather let decide if she truly wanted to be with him or not
Branislava – her strength and her wit
The interaction between Lev & Bran – I really enjoyed the banter. The teasing and how they helped each other
Seeing some of my beloved characters in this series again
The scene that begins with Lev dancing with Bran and becomes a family reunion when everyone joins in, including the children. Utterly fabulous, even if it was just for a few pages
I did not like
The repetition – so many times being reminded that Zev was a warrior, he was mixed blood….again, again and again
And by the third of fourth time I read that Bran tasted like cinnamon and honey, I was about to pull my hair out
The sex scenes…..geez…scene 1 over 6 or 7 pages…okay, I did not count after a while because ……..it was like
A few chapters later
A few more pages and more
So after a while, I just skimmed and skipped the sex scenes..because…honestly, it was the same over and over….cinnamon and honey – in fact, the sex scenes I read were pretty awful. I found nothing sexy or sensual about them.
I was so disappointed in discovering who the villain/s were……….more repetition
There were so many pages and lines used for all the mage spells and all those pages…something like 30 at the end that was info on the Carpathian language…..felt it was like just fill in as many pages as possible….We have that information already….so why have again!!
Okay, so I kind of liked this book…it’s a good but not a great one and certainly not one of my favorites in this series.
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