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Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Review: It Was Only a Kiss by Joss Wood

It Was Only a KissIt Was Only a Kiss by Joss Wood
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fabulous read!! Absolutely fab!!
My first book by this author….how did I take so long to discover her??? I am a total fan after It Was Only a Kiss.

The opening of this story is totally unforgettable!!!
‘So, in conclusion I think the marketing strategy your people presented to you is hackneyed, stupid and asinine and plays absolutely no attention to your demographics, to the market research and to where your competitors are placing themselves. It’s under researched and knocked together and if you follow it I guarantee that you will lose most of your market share in five years time, if not your business.’
Luke Savage looked across his messy desk at the earnest young woman perched on the edge of her chair, her face animated with youthful zeal and healthy dose of arrogance. What was her name again? He glanced down at her file in front of him─ Jess Sherwood. She was twenty-two, he read and was currently doing her MBA in marketing. The file did state that she was over blessed with brains, her school and university achievements were─ to put it mildly─ impressive but it failed to mention that she was solidly gorgeous as well.
A true brown eyed blonde.
She was quite a parcel and boy, did she know it…

Her mobile rang and Luke hissed his annoyance as she dived for her bag and pulled out her phone, squinting at the display. She flashed him a wide smile that was charming but devoid of apology. ‘Sorry, I have to take this.’
Whatever, I’m just your boss. Why don’t I just wait while you finish arranging your social life?

When Luke Savage, owner of, St Sylve, the gorgeous wine estate in Franschoek first meets Jess Sherwood, an intern working on the estate, sparks fly…….
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ending with one kiss and him firing her!!!

Neither has forgotten “that moment” years when they meet up again, eight years later. The chemistry between the two is hotter than ever
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I absolutely adored the two main characters – Luke is a tortured and passionate hero, whose life has not been very happy or fulfilling.
I “bonded” with Jess from the first moment. She’s independent, funny, sassy, sexy, and yes a bit of a control freak…. and so totally lovable.

Liked seeing their story progress and grow…it wasn’t one of those…fall in love instantly and live HEA……it made you getting to know the characters and understand where they were coming from.

What else did I love?

*the scene where Jess & Luke slide down the staircase banister
*the bathroom scene where Luke is taking care of Jess’s injuries after her disastrous “run”
*Jess’s family – totally crazy, especially the grandmother and her brother’s girlfriend, Clem
*when the mystery of Luke’s dead mother is revealed
*the settings – loved it was set in South Africa, in the wine lands, which I love, Sandton….it made me so totally drawn into the story
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*the vivid imagery – I could feel the rain, the sharp and cold wind – photo 405520a_zpscd97d21e.jpg I could taste the wine
– I could smell the rain, the air……..
*the writing…..smooth, smooth
*the dialogue – great, witty and funny

'No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me,' Jess grumbled. She wasn't sure she wanted to hear what she had to say. Ally seldom pulled her punches.

'You raised the topic,' Ally pointed out. 'Do you want me to tell you what you want to hear or the truth?'

'That's a rhetorical question, right?' Jess took a deep breath. 'Okay, I'll take a brave-girl pill…hit me.'

'One sentence: you're so damned scared of being vulnerable that you try to control everything in a relationship.'

Hearing her earlier thought about control so eloquently explained floored Jess. Did her best friend know her or what?

'Being single suits you and not being in love suits you even better.'

'Can I change my mind and ask you to tell me what I want to hear?' Jess protested. She wasn't sure if she wanted to hear any more about her romantic failings.

'To you, being in love means losing control—and to a control freak that is the scariest thing in the world.'

'I am not a control freak!' Jess retorted, heat in her voice.

Ally's mouth dropped open. 'You big, fat liar! You are all about control. That's why you choose men you can control.'

*memorable characters
Geez….there are so many other things I loved about this absolutely sweet – too many to mention here.

Let me just end this by saying – get this book and be enchanted.

Can’t wait to check out the next book by Joss Wood – You rock and not only for your writing but making stories set in South Africa be exciting and so believable.

View all my reviews

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