I just couldn’t get into this book. I put it aside and a few days later went back to it and gave it another try and I have to be honest and say that I did struggle to finish it.
When I read the synopsis, the plot and the characters...an ex-cop driving a souped up car and who is interested in the paranormal sound good to me. But as I turned the pages, I was so disappointed....I found her totally uninteresting and as for her friend Shells (I hated the name...sorry!!!!)..if I heard “dude” one more time, I was going to scream and smack her!!!!! I could not engage with any of the characters and after a while I skipped a few lines and at times pages.
I could not connect. I kept waiting for something to happen....and really nothing to pull me right into the story.
This could have been a good book but I felt it lacked something
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