Craving the Forbidden is book one in the Fitzroy Legacy – the story of a girl masquerading as her gay best friend’s girlfriend who falls in love with his brother.
Kit Fitzroy is a tortured, lonely wealthy aristocrat, on his way to attend his father’s birthday party meets Sophie Greenham, an outgoing, outrageous, loving and loyal actress – loved that she had just worked on a vampire B-grade movie ----who is travelling to the same place Kit is going to masquerading as her gay best friend’s girlfriend….who she discovers his Kit’s brother. The scenes are the train where they first meet is hilarious….Kit listening to Sophie talking on her mobile to some French guy…..unforgettable!!!!!
Both trying to deny the attraction they feel for each other, they are unable to stop the deepening of the feelings they have. Kit feels guilty as he thinks Sophie is his brother’s girlfriend and he fights hard not to betray him. Ultimately he is unable to stay away from her. She brightens up his life and his desire for her is something like he has never felt before.
So many secrets……Sophie’s life as a daughter of a “flower child mother”, who lived in communes in a caravan, her unhappy school years. Kit’s heartbreaking childhood, being cruelly treated by his father after his mother ran away with her lover leaving Kit behind as a small child waiting years and years for her to come for him as she had promised.
Sophie discovers a shocking secret when a note falls out of a book she is reading in the castle’s library……and finally Jasper comes “out of the closet” when his father suddenly dies of a heart attack at the birthday party!!!
Some fabulous characters…Jasper’s boyfriend…..hilarious scene when he arrives to rescue Jasper, village locals and Jasper’s mother….talk about a gold digger!!!!!!
The setting descriptions are really good…I could feel the cold in the darkened passages in the castle!!!!! The neglect and decay all around.
Sophie is such an amazing heroine….I absolutely adored her….she is warm, strong, stylish and so so likable. Kit kind of grew on me….I thought at first he would just be another boring rich man with nothing much to do and say…..but he turned out to be a fabulous alpha hero.
This story ends with Kit & Sophie discovering their love for each other and having their HEA. I can’t wait for Book 2 – want to know what happens after all the shocking events at the end of this story
Book’s Blurb
The wrong Fitzroy brother?
Ticket-dodging in a first-class train carriage is not how bubbly Sophie Greenham envisaged meeting Kit Fitzroy, wealthy aristocrat, fearless army hero and brother of her friend Jasper. The smouldering heat between her and Kit is an unwelcome shock—especially as Sophie is masquerading as Jasper's girlfriend all holiday!
Although Kit's bravery is legendary, he's dreading the return to his magnificent ancestral manor. But Sophie's vibrancy dispels the shadows in his tortured soul, consuming Kit with a potent desire for the one woman he's forbidden to touch.…
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